Uusi asiakas
HK ARMY Reload 1000 Round Paintball Hauler / Pod Filler - Pink
Speedball Netting 100x5m Basic
Speedball Netting Camo 1,8 x 10m
Speedball Netting 100x3m Basic
Speedball Netting 100x6m Basic
Netting Clips - Black pack of 100
Cable Tensioner
Cable Restrainer
Netting basic näytepala n. 20 x 30 cm
Safety Netting 2.9 x 2.6m Airsoft
Speedball Netting 100x6m Basic, 68cal
Netting Clips Economy - 100 Kpl, Musta
Netting Clips Economy - 77 Kpl, Musta
Virtue Clock 66 FPS & PBS Chronograph
Dye Referee Jersey 11 XXL
VolcAno Rintapanssari, Orange "Ref"
Eclipse Ref Jersey 3XL
Värillinen Velcro Setti (3 Väriä), 6 Kpl Yhteensä
12v Kauko-ohjattu äänitorvi
VolcAno Hihanauha - Oranssi
VolcAno Hihanauha - Sininen
VolcAno Hihanauha - Vihreä
KEE Hihanauha - Sininen
Valken 3" Hihanauha - Keltainen
Protoyz Hihanauha - Punainen
VolcAno Hihanauha Tarralla, 3" Leveä - Keltainen
VolcAno Hihanauha Tarralla, 3" Leveä - Punainen
Osapuolen Merkkaus Setti
VolcAno Hihanauha Tarralla, 3" Leveä - Sininen
VolcAno Hihanauha - Sininen, Kapea
BASE PM Pod Smoke
Tippmann 2+1 Pod and Tank Harness
Ammo-Up Compact Brass (Paintball)
Ammo-Up 36"/91cm Pickup Paintball Machine
Atom Retkituoli Käsinojilla, Musta
BASE PM Pod Black
BASE PM Pod Lime
GXG 140 Round Pod Clear
GXG 140 Round Pod Smoke
GXG 140 Round Pod White
GXG Paintball Hauler Red
BASE PM Pod Blue
Netting Clips - Black pack of 50
Netting Clips - Black pack of 500
FIELD Paintball Net 3x100m Supreme
FIELD Paintball Net 4,5x50m Supreme
FIELD Paintball Net 6x50m Supreme
FIELD Paintball Net 6x100m Supreme
FIELD Paintball Net 1,5mx25m XTREME
Eclipse Pop-up tent
Tippmann Pop-up tent
Empire Pop-up tent
GI Sports Pop-up tent
Virtue Clock chrono
Chronograph Radar Big Red w. Beeper
Chronograph - Field Radar Blue
Chronograph Sports Sensors Radar
6V Chrono battery, Green Power
Eclipse Ref Jersey Yellow XL
Eclipse Ref Jersey Yellow 2XL
Eclipse Ref Jersey Yellow L
Team vest, blue, adult
Team Vest, red, adult size
Team vest, orange, adult
Team vest, yellow, adult
VolcAno Arm Band - Red
VolcAno Arm Band - Yellow
Arm Band - Red
Arm Band - Yellow
Valken 3" Hihanauha - Sininen
Mekaaninen Äänitorvi (Air Horn)
GXG Paintball Hauler Grey
The Tomb Replacement Pole
The Tomb Paintball Training Snapcage
Reball Box for Tech, Testing and Chrono
Valken 3" Hihanauha - Punainen
GXG Paintball Hauler Clear
GXG Paintball Hauler Lime Green
Paintball Chronograph X-Radar
GXG 3 bulkin vyö + bulkit
Ammo-Up 24 Pickup Paintball Machine
GXG Paintball Hauler black
09 68 99 8989 (ma-pe 11-18)
Muina aikoina vastaamme parhaamme mukaan klo 9-21 kaikkina päivinä.
Y-tunnus 1497566-9
Paintballkeskus - Myymälä & Juvanmalmin pelikentät
Läntinen teollisuuskatu 26
02920 Espoo Kartta
Myymälä avoinna arkisin 11.00 - 18.00
Sissos Arena - Konalan metsäpelikenttä
Vanha hämeenkyläntie 78
02680 Espoo Kartta