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Highly flexible rubber air line reinforced with a nylon braided sheath promotes maximum mobility while reducing the risk of kinking.
Lenght 42"
VolcAno 0.8L 200BAR + HP Reg (v21)Volcano
HPA SLP QD Air Rig 40” Hose Only
VolcAno 1.0L 200BAR + HP Reg (v21)Volcano
09 68 99 8989 (mon-fri 10-18)
Paintballkeskus - Pro Shop & Juvanmalmi Paintball Fields
Läntinen teollisuuskatu 26
02920 Espoo (MAP)
Shop open from Mon - Fri 11.00 - 18.00
Exceptions to opening hours
Sissos Arena - Konala Forest Field
Vanha hämeenkyläntie 78
02680 Espoo (MAP)