Tippmann 98 Semi Auto Marker - USED, IN BAD SHAPE
Tippmann 98 Semi Auto Marker - USED, IN BAD SHAPE
Tippmann 98 Semi Auto Marker - USED, IN BAD SHAPE
Tippmann 98 Semi Auto Marker - USED, IN BAD SHAPE

Tippmann 98 Semi Auto Marker - USED, IN BAD SHAPE


79,00 €

  +10 Pcs In stock
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Used rental Tippmann 98 from Paintball Fabriken, version vary from Custom, Platinum Series, Ultra Basic etc.

Not checked. In bad condition

Once you buy this item we pick a random gun, no possibility of choosing what model you get.
Includes a 200rd loader and feedneck.

There is no safety on these guns!

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